
What is your area of expertise?

Local Edition is a new community newspaper that invites everybody to contribute.

Whether you can write, draw or take photos,
if you just have something to share,
whatever it is that you are passionate about,

get in touch.

email editor @

Article guidelines

This newspaper isn't a mysterious alchemy of news agendas and editorial decisions, it is just a collective of information from as many sources as possible, so please always feel that you can contribute.

You don't actually have to write to contribute to Local Edition. The most important thing is raw material: photos, ideas or any form of artwork. We can create an article that will inspire readers just by having a conversation.

If you do want to write, here's a rough guide:

General articles should be 200-300 words. Sometimes we will use longer articles and features but it is worth discussing these with the editor before putting a lot of work in. Photos and illustrations are always welcome with your article.

Articles can be about almost anything - 200 words is not much room at all so make your writing sharp, condensed and say something interesting in every sentence.

We have one 'viewpoint' slot of 350 words each week which is open to anybody writing about the local area or a relevant theme. Letters or quick opinion points are also accepted and should not be more than 100 words.

Please note all contributions are assumed to be for publication unless clearly stated otherwise.

The paper is a not-for-profit and all revenue goes into providing the structure to enable anybody to express themselves or share their information in the community. We therefore do not pay for any contributions unless discussed and agreed in advance.

Quick guide to submitting news and information to Local Edition. Please include the following information:

What is happening?
Who does it involve?
Where is it happening/did it happen?
Why is it happening?
Who can people contact for further information?
Who should Local Edition contact for further information or photos?
… and anything else you think is important…


