Marketing services

Local Edition does not 'sell' editorial space, but it became clear from talking to businesses locally that they were looking for ways to promote themselves - they wanted more than advertising. In response, we offer a complete package of marketing.

This newspaper has been developed by people who are passionate about the area, so if we can help to transform its profile more widely, we are happy to do so.

Our press release writing service is offered to our sponsors at no extra cost and we also work to build their profile by making connections and passing on information.

Successes in 2007:
- PR and referrals for Bizfizz Burslem & Middleport, now the most successful Bizfizz projct in theUK
- logistics and PR for Rob Pointon's portrait marathon, which is anticipated to raise thousands of pounds for charity
- writing to Most Haunted about The Leopard in Burslem with a cutting from Local Edition. Just three months later, the pub was beamed across the world in their Hallowe'en special
- (pre-Local Edition) organising a trip to showcase Burslem's charms to young Londoners, resulting in press coverage in thelondonpaper, Virgin Train's news letter and BBC Midlands
- writing press releases for the Burslem Arts Festival and coordinating PR activities to raise its profile locally and regionally

In addition...
Local Edition works with a wide range of local service providers and is happy to put you in touch with contacts from our network for any of the following services - some of whom are happy to give discounts to Local Edition sponsors:

Copywriting & editorial services • Advanced PR • Design & Printing • Business advice • Events • Leaflet distribution • Photography • Websites
... and a lot more – just ask!


